قبر الشيخ سيد المختار الكنتي (نبذة عن حياته)

هو المختار بن أحمد بن أبي بكر بن الوافي.
ولد في كثيب أغال، قرب قرية أرَوَانْ (شماليّ غرب مالي)، وتوفي في بئر أبي المرحَان (أبو الأنوار) في أزواد (شماليّ غرب مالي).
عاش في «ولاتة» المدينة الشهيرة علمياً وحضاريا في جنوبيّ شرق موريتانيا، ثم انتقل إلى بلاد أزواد، وظل ينتقل بين مختلف جهات شرق موريتانيا لأسباب إصلاحية ومهام علمية.
درس أولاً في أحياء بعض قبائل الطوارق العالمة (كل حرمه – كل السوق) ثم انتقل الى مدينة ولاتة وبواديها، وبوادي شمال غربيّ مالي، وفيها درس على العالم الشهير سيد علي بن النجيب الفقه والأصول والنحو، والأوراد القادرية.
أسس في أزواد زاوية علمية وصوفية، كان لها إشعاعها العلمي والديني.
اعتذر عن عدم تولي القضاء في «تنبكتو» كما رفض كل خطط أمراء موريتانيا وملوك المغرب، متمسكًا بالإمامة والقيام بالتدريس.
كان حَكَمًا مسموع الحكم بين القبائل، كما كان عالمًا لا يُرَد له رأي.

الإنتاج الشعري:
– له ديوان ضخم مجموع، على ضخامته لم يجمع إلا ثلث شعره تقريباً،: هو «ديوان الشيخ سيد مختار الكنتي» – تحقيق وجمع هميمد بن أعمر – كلية الآداب جامعة نواكشوط 1991 (مرقون)، ولسيد محمد الخليفة الكنتي: «الطرائف والتلائد» (مخطوط) طبع منه جزآن، وفيه مقطعات من شعر والده، وزاوية الشيخ سيد المختار الكنتي (نواكشوط) تحتوي مكتبتها مجموعًا فيه 1928 بيتاً .

الأعمال الأخرى:
– له عشرات الرسائل التي وجهها إلى الأمراء والرؤساء والعلماء والأعيان، ذات مستوى رصين، عدها الباحثون أرفع مستوى وصل إليه الترسل في غرب الصحراء بإطلاق، وما يتعدى مائة مصنف ورسالة علمية، في علوم الشريعة والعقيدة واللغة.
المجموعة الشعرية التي تحتوي 1928 بيتاً تنقسم حسب موضوعاتها إلى: شعر تعليمي يتضمن الحكمة والوعظ والإرشاد، وهذا موجه إلى التلاميذ والمريدين، وهذا الموضوع يبسط جناحيه على 1260 بيتًا – شعر توسلي يتضمن الدعاء والابتهال والاستسقاء، وعدد أبياته 368 بيتاً، ثم يأتي الزهد والفخر والمديح النبوي والرثاء.. ولعله من شعراء قلائل يجمعون بين الفخر والهجاء في قصيدة واحدة.


 فبسات من الحكمة

هـيـهـات أن يَسلـمَ مـــــــــــــن لَدْغتِهْ ___________________________________

ومـن أطـاع النفسَ فـي شهــــــــــــــوةٍ ___________________________________


أمسـى غريـقًا فـي سِبـا غفلــــــــــــته ___________________________________

ومـن يُؤمّرْهـا عــــــــــــــــــلى روحه ___________________________________


[ستسقِه] السُّمَّ عـــــــــــــــــلى سَكْرته ___________________________________

ومـن يـتـابعْهـا عــــــــــــــــلى زلَّةٍ ___________________________________


سـيـقْرع السِّنَّ لـــــــــــــــــدى حسْرته ___________________________________

ومـن يـزكِّهـا عـلى رغمهــــــــــــــــا ___________________________________


تَغْشَه الأنـوارُ فـــــــــــــــــي خَلْوته ___________________________________

هـي الـتـي تُكرم مَن صدَّهــــــــــــــــا ___________________________________


عـن الـمهـاوي مـــــــــــــن ضحى نظرته ___________________________________

ومـن يُكرِّمْهـــــــــــــــــــا تُهِنْه ولا ___________________________________


تُبقِ عـلـيـه مـــــــــــــــن سنى حُرمتِه ___________________________________

ومـن يُدنِّسْهـا يـخِبْ سعـــــــــــــــــيُه ___________________________________


ويجتـنِ الزَّقـومَ مــــــــــــــــن نَخْلَته ___________________________________

فـمـن يـخـفْ نقـمةَ فــــــــــــــــاطرِه ___________________________________


يفتحْ له الرحـمةَ فـــــــــــــــي غُربته ___________________________________

مـن يـتّقِ الله يجـد مخرجـــــــــــــــاً ___________________________________


وتأتِه الأرزاقُ فـي نــــــــــــــــوْمَتِه ___________________________________

مـن يـطلـبِ الرُّشدَ مُجِدّاً يجــــــــــــــدْ ___________________________________


رُشْداً مُبـيـنًا وهـو فـي حُجــــــــــــرته ___________________________________

مـن يـتــــــــــــــــــــوكّل حَسْبُه ربُّه ___________________________________


يُنَجِّه، والشـرُّ فــــــــــــــــــي حَبْوَته ___________________________________

ومَن تكـنْ بـــــــــــــــــــالله نصرتُه ___________________________________


[تخـافُه] الـمـلـوك فــــــــــــي نهضته ___________________________________

ومـن يصـاحـب مُقْسطــــــــــــــــا يُرْدِه ___________________________________


ويـقْتَنِ الشـرورَ مـن صُحـــــــــــــــبته ___________________________________

ومـن يصـاحـبْ صـالـــــــــــــحًا [يعْنَه] ___________________________________


ويـقتـنـي الخـيراتِ مـن رؤيـــــــــــته ___________________________________

ومـن يحـبَّ الـمــــــــــــــال طبعًا يرى ___________________________________


مـنه نكـالاً فـي شفــــــــــــــا حُفرته ___________________________________

من قصيدة: الحج المبرور

يـا رُبَّ مـن حجَّ بـيــــــــــت الله مُتَّكئاً ___________________________________


عـلى الـوِسـاد فلـم يظـمأْ ولـــــــم يردِ ___________________________________

ورُبَّ مـن حجَّ حجَّاتٍ ولــــــــــــــــيس له ___________________________________


مـن حَجّه غـيرُ قطعِ الـبـيــــــــدِ والسَّهَد ___________________________________

ولستُ أنكر فرضَ الـــــــــــــــحج إن له ___________________________________


شـرطًا يفـوز بـه مـن فـاز بــــــــالرَّشَد ___________________________________

فـمـا الـتشـوّقُ يـدنـي مـــــــــا يبعّدُه ___________________________________


حكـمُ القضـاء فثِق ْبـالــــــــواحد الصَّمد ___________________________________

إذ ربـمـا كـان مــــــــــــن نفسٍ تُزَيِّنُه ___________________________________


وربـمـا كـان حظٌّ جَالَ بـــــــــــــالخلَد ___________________________________

وإنمـا الـحجُّ تجـريـد الأداء عــــــــلى ___________________________________


وجهِ امتثـالك قـولَ الـــــــــواحد الأحد ___________________________________

لله حجٌّ عـلى الأنـام مفتــــــــــــــرَضٌ ___________________________________


عـلى الـمطـيـقـيـن مـن قـربٍ ومـن بُعـــد ___________________________________

واطلـب لـحجِّك أبرارًا تصـاحـبـهـــــــــم ___________________________________


لـحفـظ وقتك لـيس الشأنُ فـي العـــــــدد ___________________________________

دعوة مظلوم

تـنـاصرتِ الأعـداءُ مـن كل جـانـــــــــبٍ ___________________________________


عـلـيَّ فحسبـي مَنْ له الخلق والأمــــــــرُ ___________________________________

تعـاطَوا مقـال الزور فـيَّ وألَّبـــــــــوا ___________________________________


قبـائلَهـم تلك السفـــــــــــاهةُ والغدر ___________________________________

فـمـا مـنهُمُ إلا حسـودٌ مكــــــــــــابرٌ ___________________________________


كذوبٌ تعـاطى مـا يضـيـق بــــــــه الصدر ___________________________________

فكِيـدوا جـمـيعًا ثـم لا [تـنصروننـــــي] ___________________________________


فرُكـنـي شديـدُ الـــــبطش: مَنْ نَصْرُه النصر ___________________________________

أوِ اصْبرْ إلى أن يحكـمَ الله بـيـننــــــا ___________________________________


وإن يعفُ عـنكـم كـان مـوعـدَنـا الـحشـــر ___________________________________

وإن يـنـتقـم ذاك السبـــــــــــيل وسنَّةٌ ___________________________________


مضت مـا لهـا حصرٌ، ولا دونهـا ستـــــــر ___________________________________

فدعـوةُ مظلـوم ٍوإن كـان كـــــــــــافرًا ___________________________________


تُجـاب فكـيف الـمُخْبِتُ الطـاهـر الــــــحُرّ ___________________________________

فكفّوا وتـوبـوا وارجعـوا قبـــــــل وقعةٍ ___________________________________


يشـيب لهـا رأسُ الـمخدَّرة الــــــــــبِكر ___________________________________

نصحت لكـــــــــــــــم والنُّصح فرضٌ مؤكّدٌ ___________________________________


عـلى كل ذي لـبٍّ يؤيِّده الصـــــــــــــبر ___________________________________

هـو الـديـن لكـن قـلَّ فـاعــــــــلُه ومَن ___________________________________


يـزنُّ بِتقـوى الله لــــــــــــيس له مكر ___________________________________

ولـيس يسـود حـاسدٌ طـولَ دهــــــــــــره ___________________________________


ولا خـاب محسـودٌ يسـاعـده الـدهــــــــر ___________________________________

يـنـازع حكـمَ الله فـي كلِّ لــــــــــحظةٍ ___________________________________


ويشقى وفضلُ الله لـــــــــــــيس له حصْر ___________________________________

فـمـا غـيَّر الرحـمـنُ نعـمةَ طـــــــــائعٍ ___________________________________


مـنـيبٍ ولكـنْ مـن عصى لا له قـــــــــدر ___________________________________

ألا قـيّدوا نَعـمـاءكـم بقـيـودهــــــــا ___________________________________


تدومُ وتلك الـحـمد والــــــــتَّوْب والشكر ___________________________________

فـمـا فـارقتْ قـومًا فعـادت إلـيـهــــــمُ ___________________________________


بظلـمٍ وعصـيـانٍ وأعـظـمُهـــــــــا الكفر ___________________________________

فـمـا بـيـننـا حـربٌ تقـادَمَ عهدهـــــــا ___________________________________


ولا بـيـننـا إرثٌ ولا بـيـننـــــــا وِتْر 

شاهد أيضاً

من هو السفير الأمريكي الجديد في موريتانيا

رشح الرئيس الأمريكي جو بايدن الدبلوماسي كريستوف آندر توكو لمنصب سفير الولايات المتحدة في العاصمة …

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  22. I tried my luck on this online casino platform and earned a significant sum of cash. However, later on, my mother fell seriously sick, and I required to take out some money from my account. Unfortunately, I faced issues and couldn’t withdraw the funds. Tragically, my mother passed away due to such online casino. I kindly ask for your support in reporting this issue with the site. Please aid me in seeking justice, to ensure others won’t face the pain I’m facing today, and prevent them from undergoing similar tragedy.

  23. I participated on this casino website and won a considerable sum of earnings. However, afterward, my mother fell gravely ill, and I wanted to withdraw some funds from my wallet. Unfortunately, I experienced problems and was unable to withdraw the funds. Tragically, my mother died due to the online casino. I kindly plead for your assistance in reporting this situation with the platform. Please assist me to find justice, to ensure others do not experience the hardship I’m facing today, and avert them from undergoing similar tragedy.

  24. I participated on this gambling site and earned a substantial sum of money. However, afterward, my mom fell seriously ill, and I required to cash out some money from my casino balance. Unfortunately, I encountered problems and couldn’t finalize the cashout. Tragically, my mother passed away due to this casino site. I kindly plead for your help in reporting this situation with the platform. Please aid me to find justice, to ensure others do not endure the pain I’m facing today, and stop them from experiencing similar heartache.

  25. I played on this online casino platform and earned a substantial sum of earnings. However, later on, my mother fell critically ill, and I needed to cash out some money from my wallet. Unfortunately, I experienced problems and could not finalize the cashout. Tragically, my mom passed away due to this casino site. I earnestly plead for your support in reporting this concern with the site. Please help me to obtain justice, to ensure others do not endure the pain I’m facing today, and avert them from facing similar misfortune.

  26. I participated on this gambling site and won a substantial sum of money. However, later on, my mother fell seriously sick, and I needed to take out some funds from my wallet. Unfortunately, I encountered difficulties and couldn’t complete the withdrawal. Tragically, my mom died due to such online casino. I kindly request your assistance in reporting this situation with the platform. Please aid me to obtain justice, to ensure others do not endure the hardship I’m facing today, and stop them from experiencing similar heartache.

  27. I tried my luck on this online casino platform and earned a substantial amount of money. However, eventually, my mom fell critically sick, and I wanted to withdraw some earnings from my casino balance. Unfortunately, I encountered difficulties and could not withdraw the funds. Tragically, my mom died due to the casino site. I urgently request your assistance in reporting this situation with the site. Please assist me to find justice, to ensure others won’t have to face the pain I’m facing today, and prevent them from undergoing similar misfortune.

  28. I participated on this casino website and earned a substantial pile of earnings. However, eventually, my mother fell critically ill, and I needed to cash out some funds from my wallet. Unfortunately, I experienced issues and could not withdraw the funds. Tragically, my mother died due to this gambling platform. I kindly plead for your help in reporting this concern with the platform. Please help me to find justice, to ensure others do not endure the hardship I’m facing today, and stop them from experiencing similar heartache.

  29. I participated on this gambling site and secured a significant sum of cash. However, afterward, my mother fell critically sick, and I needed to withdraw some money from my account. Unfortunately, I faced difficulties and could not withdraw the funds. Tragically, my mom died due to this online casino. I earnestly plead for your support in addressing this concern with the platform. Please help me to find justice, to ensure others do not experience the anguish I’m facing today, and stop them from experiencing similar heartache.

  30. I participated on this casino website and won a significant sum of earnings. However, eventually, my mother fell gravely ill, and I needed to withdraw some funds from my wallet. Unfortunately, I encountered problems and could not finalize the cashout. Tragically, my mother died due to the online casino. I kindly request your support in addressing this issue with the platform. Please aid me in seeking justice, to ensure others won’t have to face the anguish I’m facing today, and stop them from experiencing similar misfortune.

  31. I tried my luck on this gambling site and earned a considerable sum of cash. However, eventually, my mom fell seriously sick, and I wanted to cash out some funds from my account. Unfortunately, I faced problems and was unable to complete the withdrawal. Tragically, my mom passed away due to the casino site. I urgently plead for your assistance in reporting this issue with the platform. Please aid me to find justice, to ensure others won’t have to face the anguish I’m facing today, and prevent them from facing similar misfortune.

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  95. Amazing! I just read your article and I’m absolutely amazed. Your insight on this topic is incredibly insightful. I’ve gained a new perspective and can’t wait to see your next post. Thanks for sharing!

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  97. Fantastic! I recently read your blog post and I’m blown away. Your insight on the topic is spot-on. I’ve learned so much and am eager to read more. Thanks for sharing!

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  99. Wow! I just finished reading your article and I’m thoroughly impressed. Your analysis on this subject is extremely valuable. It really made me think and can’t wait to read more. Your work is inspiring!

  100. Wow! I just read your post and I’m blown away. Your analysis on this topic is spot-on. It really made me think and can’t wait to read more. Keep up the great work!

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  106. Wow! I recently read your blog post and I’m blown away. Your perspective on this subject is extremely valuable. I’ve learned so much and can’t wait to see what you write next. Thanks for sharing!

  107. Amazing! I just read your article and I’m absolutely amazed. Your insight on this subject is extremely valuable. It really made me think and can’t wait to read more. Keep up the great work!

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  113. I urge you to avoid this platform. The experience I had with it has been only dismay as well as suspicion of deceptive behavior. Exercise extreme caution, or even better, find a trustworthy service to meet your needs.

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  118. I urge you to avoid this site. My personal experience with it has been only dismay and suspicion of fraudulent activities. Exercise extreme caution, or alternatively, seek out an honest site for your needs.

  119. I highly advise stay away from this site. My personal experience with it has been only frustration and suspicion of fraudulent activities. Be extremely cautious, or even better, look for a trustworthy platform for your needs.

  120. I strongly recommend steer clear of this platform. The experience I had with it was nothing but frustration and suspicion of deceptive behavior. Exercise extreme caution, or better yet, find a more reputable site to meet your needs.

  121. I strongly recommend to avoid this platform. The experience I had with it was purely dismay as well as doubts about deceptive behavior. Proceed with extreme caution, or even better, look for a more reputable platform for your needs.

  122. I urge you stay away from this platform. My personal experience with it was nothing but dismay and concerns regarding deceptive behavior. Proceed with extreme caution, or better yet, seek out a trustworthy service to fulfill your requirements.

  123. I highly advise stay away from this platform. My own encounter with it has been only dismay and concerns regarding deceptive behavior. Proceed with extreme caution, or better yet, look for a trustworthy service for your needs.

  124. I highly advise to avoid this site. My own encounter with it was nothing but frustration and doubts about scamming practices. Proceed with extreme caution, or alternatively, seek out a trustworthy platform to fulfill your requirements.

  125. I strongly recommend to avoid this platform. My personal experience with it has been nothing but frustration and concerns regarding fraudulent activities. Exercise extreme caution, or better yet, seek out an honest service to meet your needs.

  126. I highly advise stay away from this platform. The experience I had with it has been nothing but frustration and concerns regarding deceptive behavior. Be extremely cautious, or better yet, find an honest platform for your needs.

  127. I highly advise stay away from this platform. My personal experience with it has been only frustration along with concerns regarding fraudulent activities. Proceed with extreme caution, or better yet, look for a trustworthy service for your needs.

  128. I highly advise steer clear of this platform. The experience I had with it was only disappointment as well as suspicion of fraudulent activities. Proceed with extreme caution, or alternatively, find an honest site to meet your needs.

  129. I highly advise steer clear of this platform. My personal experience with it has been only disappointment along with suspicion of deceptive behavior. Be extremely cautious, or even better, find a trustworthy service to meet your needs.

  130. I strongly recommend steer clear of this platform. My personal experience with it was only dismay as well as concerns regarding scamming practices. Proceed with extreme caution, or even better, find a more reputable service to meet your needs.

  131. I highly advise steer clear of this platform. My personal experience with it has been purely frustration along with suspicion of deceptive behavior. Exercise extreme caution, or alternatively, seek out a trustworthy platform to meet your needs.

  132. I urge you stay away from this platform. My personal experience with it was only disappointment and suspicion of scamming practices. Exercise extreme caution, or even better, seek out an honest site for your needs.

  133. I urge you steer clear of this platform. My personal experience with it has been purely dismay along with suspicion of fraudulent activities. Proceed with extreme caution, or alternatively, seek out a more reputable service for your needs.

  134. I urge you stay away from this platform. The experience I had with it was only dismay and concerns regarding deceptive behavior. Exercise extreme caution, or better yet, find an honest platform for your needs.

  135. I highly advise steer clear of this platform. My personal experience with it has been purely disappointment and suspicion of deceptive behavior. Proceed with extreme caution, or alternatively, look for a trustworthy platform for your needs.

  136. I strongly recommend stay away from this site. My personal experience with it was purely frustration as well as doubts about scamming practices. Be extremely cautious, or alternatively, find a trustworthy platform for your needs.

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