صورة اليوم لأول جواز سفر موريتاني


صورة اليوم تظهر أول جواز سفر للرئيس الموريتاني الراحل أبو الامة المختار ولد داداه ، مكتوب عليه بخط اليد وباللغة العربية.. الجواز يعود تاريخه إلى سنة 1964.

من أهم الملاحظات التى حملها الجواز الاقدم في البلد هي:

1- وزير الشؤون الخارجية كانوا يطلقون عليه ” وزير الأمور الخارجية”

2- لغة الجواز كانت عبارة عن ترجمة غير حرفية للنص بالفرنسية إلى العربية، وبالتالى ظهرت لغته ضعيفة جدا. 3- يظهر الجواز ان اللغة العربية لم تكن هي اللغة الرسمية للبلاد.

4- جواز السفر كان يخاطب العسكريين والمدنيين من أجل السماح للرئيس بالمرور.

رغم ذلك يعتبر هذا الجواز كباقى الأعلام التى تركها القادة المؤسسين للدولة الموريتانية مدى صعوبة العمل التي كانت تواجههم وهم بذلك يستحقون التكريم والإشادة.

شاهد أيضاً


نذكر الجميع بأن منصب الوزير الأول طيلة الخمسية القادمة سيكون من نصيب معالي الوزير سيد …

تعليق واحد

  1. Postby PuddleduckGem » Tue May 10, 2016 5:19 pm It might take some time to sort out the chaos of a hacked account. While that’s happening, your Sky Bet account will be suspended, as will your access to Sky Bet services. This is to ensure nobody else re-hacks your account if, for example, they also gained access to your Email address. By using an independent way to verify that you are the account owner, Sky Support can start you and help you get control back. In the example of the first two, your bets will not be affected by this and paid out as normal. On the rare occasion that it is a feed error or a removal of an in-play market for the entire event – your bets will continue to stand as placed in most circumstances. In terms of Cash Out, this will affect the availability due to the changes in the markets and selections.
    To Shields’ own admission, she was looking forward to another fight against Gabriels. While Shields is the undisputed middleweight champion and 13-0, Gabriels forced her to suffer her first knockdown. However, due to a recent result from a Voluntary Anti-Doping Association test, Gabriels is no longer able to fight this weekend. Now, let’s start getting into our boxing predictions for Shields vs. Cornejo on Saturday night. I’m still torn. My heart says Crawford. I think he’s the better fighter. I think many narratives constructed around his career are, at minimum, misleading; at worst, just false. But my head says Spence. It’s hard to look at the size disparity, the reach advantage and the options available to him and see Crawford doing what Crawford always does. Yes, he has beaten bigger, longer fighters before. But he hasn’t beaten one like Spence. So I see this as 1) a sensational Crawford knockout that cements a generational legacy or 2) a Spence win by decision that speaks to the reach advantage.

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